Our Projects
Retina Services
The FF shipped equipment and provided training to start retina services at a charity hospital in Kakinada, India (in cooperation with the Eye Foundation of America). The physician exchange is ongoing and the retina service continues to grow.
Music therapy for Children & health care for the elderly
Our most recent partnership was with St. Rafka Convent to provide poor children in rural Lebanon with music therapy and the elderly with healthcare.
“No Child Left Blind”
Five years ago the FF started the “No Child Left Blind” project after supporting two physicians (one American and one Egyptian) in getting master’s degrees at West Virginia University (WVU) in special education for children with visual impairment. WVU also became a partner in this project.
Clinical research
resulting in many publications in prestigious peer-reviewed journals, booklets, national and international presentations, as well as visiting lectureships.
Short-term scholar exchange
Bringing healthcare professionals to the U.S. and sending American experts to other countries like Macedonia, Egypt, Lebanon, India and South Korea.
The IPROF program
Establishing American fellowship programs at the Egyptian National Eye Institute and the Maghrabi Nour Hospitals.
The FEBI Project
The FEBI project, which started in response to the story of Febi Hanna from Egypt and grew in partnership with “Dar El-Eftaa”, “Misr El Khair”, and the Anglican churches in Egypt, Jerusalem, and the horn of Africa, has grown to become a cohesive long-term plan to help improve the level of ophthalmology care throughout Egypt.
The ACMEL project in Lebanon
This project brought all 7 medical schools together for the first time in the history of the country. The FF facilitated the planning for and establishing of a national GME council to work with their government on standardization and accreditation of medical education and training. This is a self-sustaining project.
“Gabriel Mobile Clinic”
The FF purchased, equipped, and commissioned the “Gabriel Mobile Clinic” in Lebanon in cooperation with H.O.M.E (Health Outreach to the Middle East). This clinic has served in most of the rural areas of Lebanon and provided relief during war and peace times to all religious and political factions in Lebanon. It is currently serving Syrian refugees in Lebanon as a self-sustaining project run mostly by volunteers.